Regardless of whether you live in Skellefteå or are considering moving here – you are welcome as a member!
Expats & Friends Association (EFA) believes that the future can start with coming together. We know from experience that it’s a great starting point for helpful information, new friendships, ideas and businesses.
With members from all over the world who have different backgrounds, different experiences and skills, Skellefteå will be bigger, stronger and better. Welcome with your application.
If you are a company and would like to become a member please contact us in the PARTNERSHIP section.
Yes, I’d like to join EFA!
Fantastic – the more, the merrier!
We are so excited you are interested in becoming an EFA member, and look forward to seeing you at the activities and gatherings we organize each year.
Everyone in our Facebook group is considered as an EFA General Member—no fees required!
⭐️ General Membership includes the following:
- Participation as a registered EFA member
- Access to our Facebook group for updates and discussions
- Access to EFA members-only events (costs apply). Please note, this membership does not include the discounts or additional perks available to Plus members.
- No voting rights
If you’d like to go the extra mile in supporting EFA and unlock even more benefits, consider a:
🌟 Plus Membership – More for You!
Take your involvement to the next level by enjoying different activities and exclusive perks while helping us continue our work throughout the year. So much value for the cost!
Plus Membership fees (for the whole year/one time payment):
💳 100 SEK – Individual
💳 150 SEK – Special Families (1 adult + children up to 16 yrs)
💳 200 SEK – Families (2 adults + children up to 16 yrs)
The membership runs from the 1st of January to the 31st of December 2025!
Plus Membership benefits:
- Enjoy discounts, free admission, or exclusive perks for various activities and events planned throughout the year.
- Special invitations or offers from different partnerships or collaborations with other associations or businesses.
- The right to have a voice and vote in the annual meeting and/or member meetings, and in the election of the board members.
Voting rights: 1 vote per adult member (must be 18).
To participate in the decision making and also be nominated/elected to become a board member of the association.
- The possibility to bring forward ideas to develop together (ideas for events, gatherings, lectures, etc.)
This annual fee expresses your interest in supporting the associations efforts, and will contribute to our yearly activities.
When you have filled in the form and paid the membership, you will get a reply with a welcome newsletter!
You can pay directly to the following:
Bankgiro EFA account 5200-0759 or SWISH EFA 1230019638 (write your e-mail address in the swish message).
Bank account: Expats and Friends Ideela Förening
456 082 271 HANDSESS / SE35 6000 0000 0004 5608 2271
Affärskonto / SEK / 6265 Skellefteå
If you have any questions – please write to info@expatsandfriends.se